Marriage Commissioner Province of Alberta
After booking I will email you a ceremony template that you may choose to use part of, or the entire ceremony or not at all. You may customize your ceremony by adding your own personal touches. You may add personal vows or add segments like a wine box ceremony, sand ceremony, rose ceremony, or the unity candle ceremony. You may also choose to add a religious or humorous element or other segments of your choice to your ceremony. You may write your own ceremony entirely! As your marriage commissioner, you can be sure that I'll work hard with you to make your big day extra special!
Wayne Paterson Marriage Commissioner Province of Alberta
I'll will help you prepare your wedding ceremony. My extensive knowledge and experience will give you peace of mind that your needs are in good hands. Should you wish to learn more about wedding requirements or get started, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone, or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon! As your marriage commissioner, I will responible to ensure your wedding is propery registered with Service Alberta. This cucial step quarantees that your union is legally recognized and properly documented.
Wayne Paterson Marriage Commissioner Province of Alberta